The project partners met from 10 to 12 March in Magdeburg for their final project meeting. Some participants were digitally linked.
The meeting was combined with the spring meeting of EFOS.

– Presentation of a survey on digital skills of older students at the Otto-von-Guerike University Magdeburg by Jasmin Dabitz M.A.
– Project experiences: All partners presenting their outcomes and experiences. Discussion
– Presentations of participants voluntarily cooperating in the project: Hugh Busher, University of Leicester, “Digital and hybrid spaces in education. Seniors learning in digital spaces”
– Presentation of the booklet with the results of the project
– Presentation of the Smartphone course of “Studieren ab 50” at the Otto-von-Guerike University Magdeburg
SeLiD plans and instructions pdf format
Presentation Bratislava pdf format
Presentation Chemnitz pdf format
Presentation Alicante pdf format
Presentation Annika Felix & Jasmin Dabitz Magdeburg pdf format
Presentation Uppsala pdf format